The 2nd International Conference “Road traffic safety and transport challenges in South East of Europe (SEE)” will be organized by the Tempulli College and Kosovo Motorization Association (AMRKS). The conference shall be coordinated by International Road Union Academy (IRU) and supported European Transport Safety Council (ETSC).
Road traffic and transport safety as priorities of the joint action plan to increase road safety are requirements of UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, but at the same time it is a necessary condition for the path of Western Balkan countries to the EU.
The conference aims are to address certain issues in two areas:
1. Exchange of ideas of local and international specialist to cope with challenges related to road safety, accident prevention, and continuous improvement of road infrastructure, transport, car insurance, the introduction of models and successful implementation of various activities for road safety.
2. Introduce the SEED Project to the road transport industry and governmental officials from the region in terms of initiatives undertaken in the field of road transport, notably in professional qualification, access to the market, mutual recognition of standards, environmental friendliness.
The conference will bring together all institutions and stakeholders of Kosovo and countries from SEE, which may contribute to increase road transport safety and to prevent traffic accidents. The 2nd International Conference “Road traffic safety and transport challenges in South East of Europe (SEE)” it will be held on 22nd and 23rd January 2015, at Hotel Victory in Prishtina, Republic of Kosova.