The conference “Students and their safety on the road” was held

October 10,Prishtinë 2013

Leaders of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and those of College of Applied Technical Sciences “Tempulli”, have assessed that issue of increasing the student knowledge about the traffic signs, should be added in the curricular content.

In the conference “Students and their safety on the road”, organized from the Forum for Safety on the Road, in cooperation with MEST and College “Tempulli”, are disclosed the results of research conducted in 40 primary and lower secondary schools in Kosova, where we noticed a poor condition of the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical learning development regarding rules and behaviour on the road.

Adviser of the Minister Buja, Ragip Gjoshi said that road safety is not only the project, but also a strategic goal of the Ministry of Education, which is designed in all strategic documents.

Advisor Gjoshi stated that this activity has highlighted the fact that the curricular content should be added to the subject, which provides information about traffic signs.

According to Gjoshi, from today’s conference emerge new assignments for all institutions involved on the issue of child safety on the road. “Ministry of Infrastructure should be added the care for vertical and horizontal signalization on the street and equipment with traffic signs, as important factor in prevention of accidents. Therefore, Ministry of Internal Affairs should add the control and fines for violators of the traffic rules, while MEST will do more in students’ education on the issue of enforcement of traffic rules”.

While, director of College “Tempulli”, Muhamed Krasniqi emphasized that itself title of the conference “Students and their safety on the road” made it clear that research has in focus the issue of movement and behavioural of children, when they are on the road while going and returning from school.

According to Krasniqi, through this research is made evaluation of students’ knowledge’s in primary and lower secondary schools, in recognizing the traffic signs.

Otherwise, the involved students in this activity were distributed tables with traffic signs, where traffic experts have compiled tests depending on their age. In this activity are included over 2210 students from all over the country. In order of the activities progress on schools, students are divided in three groups, first group grades 1-3, second group grades and third group grades 7-9. In order of spreading the project across the country, in each municipality is selected at least one school.

The project has started implemented in March this year and aims to continue even further, in order of greater inclusion of schools in this project.