AMRKS participates in the first FEVR Conference for 2022

February 28, 2022

Kosovo Association of Motorization AMRKS participates in the Conference of the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims FEVR which was chaired by its President Fillipo Randi. This conference was mainly focused on the development of joint activities in the framework of the implementation of the United Nations Global Plan for Action Decade 2021-2030.

During the conference was discussed the publication of the Annual Book where FEVR together with its members from around the globe, presents activities related to the global project for victims of road traffic “Zero Victim 2050”.

Besides Kosovo, this conference was attended by senior representatives from FEVR and members of this organization from England, Greece, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Denmark, etc.

AMRKS as a regular member of FEVR continues to be active and contribute with its role for road safety and protection of victims of traffic, both locally and internationally.