Towards a European approach for a joint fight against drunk-driving

Ljubljana, Slovenian National Assembly, 05 February 2016

The European Transport Safety Council, whose member it is also AMRKS, together with the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency, organized a round-table event at the National Assembly in Ljubljana to raise awareness  amongst policy makers, the private sector and key opinion leaders of how to develop and strengthen a systemic approach to reduce alcohol misuse in road transport.

The opening of this event made the  President of the Slovenian National Assembly Dr. Milan Brglez, Minister of Infrastructure z. Peter Gašperšič and leaders of state agencies.

It was a very constructive discussion with institutional representatives of this issue as: Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency, Slovenian Ministry of Health, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Justice and Slovenian General Police Directorate.

The event focused on measures to tackle drink driving such as the use of alcohol interlocks, research findings and case studies from EU Member States, prior to keynote speeches from Violeta Bulc, EU Transport Commissioner.

This event also provided participants with the opportunity to talk to experts and exchange experiences and successes with the use of alcohol interlocks across the EU.