Call for increased caution while driving, during the start of the new school year

Kosovo continues to be hit by the phenomenon of large numbers of accidents. Similarly, as with other years (especially during the summer months), as a result of numerous traffic accidents, the safety of the citizens’ movement on the streets of the country has significantly decreased.

Nowadays the road movement of each participant is a challenge in itself that citizens are facing every day. Similarly, with the start of the new school year, the traffic becomes denser and consequently even more unsafe for children.

Just like the last year, this year as well, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology together with the College of Applied Technical Sciences Tempulli, the Kosovo Road Safety Forum and the Kosovo Association of motorization AMRKS, call on all traffic participants for increased caution during the road movement.

This call for increased road safety addresses all motor vehicle drivers to be vigilant and to comply with the rules and traffic signs.

In school environments, added caution should be taken to increase child safety on their way from home to school and vice versa. Added caution and attention is required from the children when crossing the street and their moving into groups.

Parents are instructed to park their vehicles away from school and to walk to the school, otherwise, besides blocking the roads in the vicinity of schools, they inadvertently jeopardize pupil safety.